50 сканов работ художника Луиса Ройо (Luis Royo), работающего в жанре фэнтези.
Все сканы размером более 1000px и отличного качества. Запакованы в архив ZIP.
Список всех сканов в архиве:
- Light of Panic
- Look in to the Sun
- Malefic (cover I)
- Mary Browns Saga
- Memory in White
- Metaphysics
- Mist
- Mistress of her Heart
- Mists of Betrayal
- Montana
- Moon of the Aftermath I
- Moon of the Aftermath II
- Mrs.Demmingand the Mythical Beast
- My Name is Chaos I
- My Name is Chaos III
- Mystic Dreamer
- Mystic Visions
- Mystic Warriors
- Navy Moves
- New Skin
- Nightmare of God
- Night of the Angel
- Nine Tongues and a Tear
- Ninja Fright III
- Nostradamus
- No Truce with Kings
- Ointment and Moon Bath (fragment)
- Ointment And Moon Bath
- On the Southern Beaches
- Over a Greyer Grey
- Oxide Essence
- Past Future Fog
- Penthouse
- People of the Earth
- People of the Lakes (fragment)
- People of the Lakes
- People of the Mist
- People of the Sea
- People of the Wolf
- Pilgrimage
- Pink Cadillac
- Planet of the Apes I
- Planet of the Apes II
- Planet of the Apes III (fragment)
- Planet of the Apes III
- Playstation Magazin
- Preliminary
- Preying for Keeps
- Prohibited (cover I)
- Prohibited 2 (cover I)